What’s it like to work with Amy? Get all the highlights here.


My prices vary based on amount of research, complexity, interviews needed, requested turnaround time and recurrence. We’ll schedule a time to talk by Zoom or phone, then I’ll send you a proposal with the details and price.

Turnaround times

I’m not a magician - I can’t turn out a lengthy white paper in a couple of days. But I will work with you to come up with a reasonable turnaround time based on how many other projects I have in the queue and the scope of your requested project.


Sorry, no compliance team here. It’s up to you to get compliance approval from your internal or outsourced compliance officer before publication. But I know what “hot buttons” to avoid and always keep compliance in mind while I’m writing.

Writing samples

I don’t make my portfolio of past projects public simply because I’m a ghostwriter, especially for things like thought leadership articles and blog posts. Send me an email at amy@luminaryfc.com to request samples and get a feel for my style.


I’m a writer - not a designer. However, I have several talented freelance designers in my network and can make referrals if you need them.

It’s time to
flip the switch.

Let’s get started on a content project for your financial firm! Fill out the form for more information or CLICK HERE to schedule a consultation.